Rama: During the pandemic, we were left out of Europe, we smuggled vaccines from Italy

By Dren Buja The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has said that Albania was left out of Europe’s aid during the COVID-19 pandemic, showing that during the difficult period for vaccines, it managed to receive doses from Italy. “Today I am saying something that no one knows. I am Albanian-Italian, Di Maio is Neapolitan-Albanian,…


10/10/2022 13:20

By Dren Buja

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has said that Albania was left out of Europe’s aid during the COVID-19 pandemic, showing that during the difficult period for vaccines, it managed to receive doses from Italy.

“Today I am saying something that no one knows. I am Albanian-Italian, Di Maio is Neapolitan-Albanian, and we did a smuggling operation together. What kind of Italian or Albanian are you if you always comply with the law?”, said Rama.

“People were afraid that they would die like fish without water, but we had no opportunity to make the vaccine. I asked Luigi, can you give us doses at least for the doctors and nurses? Pfizer had a very clear contract with governments: I give them the vaccines, but you can’t give them to anyone else. Something that is anything but Christian. Luigi said it would be a very serious thing. But we did it with our secret services: two ministers smuggling goods to each other to save people.”

“Then we couldn’t hide the vaccines, we had to administer them as well. Pfizer’s lawyers threatened to sue and wanted to know how we got them, but we just said from a friendly country. I said that we had learned from the Neapolitans that you should never give up a friend in front of the police”, he said. /a2news.com