Celine Dion i jep lamtumirën bashkëshortit në ceremoninë emocionuese mortore (FOTO)

Janë publikuar fotografi nga ceremonia e hapur mortore që është organizuar për bashkshortin e Celine Dion.


22/01/2016 23:19

Këngëtarja ka pritur fansat për ta përshëndetur dhe për t’i dhënë ngushëllimet në ceremoninë e gjatë dhe të hapur, derisa në çdo moment ka qëndruar pranë bashkëshortit të saj të ndjerë.

Celine Dion ka qenë e shoqëruar nga familja dhe fëmijët e saj, ndërsa djali i madh ka qenë shtyllë mbështetëse për të gjatë gjithë kohës, transmeton lajmi.net.

Gjatë javës së kaluar, jo vetëm bashkëshorti, por edhe vëllai i këngëtares ka ndërruar jetë pas përballjes me kancerin./lajmi.net

Grief-striken: The burden on the star was clear to see as she arrived at church - her face covered in a black veilCeline Dion was joined by her three children. Older son Rene-Charles, 14, escorted his elderly grandmother, Therese, into the service while Celine walked in gripping the hands of her twin five-year-old sons Nelson and EddyComposed: Celine Dion kept remarkable compure while arriving to the funeral holding the hands of her youngest sons Support: Teen son Rene Charles has been a tower of strength to his superstar mother both in today's funeral and yesterday's memorial serviceBrave: Celine DIon held it together as she led mourning for her late husband René Angélil at his funeral in Montreal on Friday Mom-of-three: Celine was supported throughout the service by her eldest son Rene Charles, 15, pictured Final farewell: Celine Dion lovingly placed a rose on the casket of her late husband René AngélilStruggle: Celine took moments throughout the service to regain her composure as she was surrounded by scores of well-wishersYoung sons: Celine Dion and René Angélil's two twin five-year-olds touchingly dressed in matching bowties and fedoras, pictured, joined her at the funeral of their father Day of mourning: The service was broadcast on giant screens outside the Basilica - the church where the couple was married in December 1994 - and flags across Quebec will remain at half-mast throughout the dayA prayer before the last farewell: The singing sensation approached the open casket with her head down and wearing a black coat, gloves and pumps at Thursday's memorialA touching moment: The Grammy winner laid her left hand on her late husband as family gathered near at his memorial service on ThursdayWords of comfort: Celine, her son Rene-Charles and members of the family stood quietly as a priest addressed the mourners on ThursdayLean on me: Celine took her eldest son's arm as they left the memorial service in the evening accompanied by family members for support