Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez “caught up” together over the weekend Actor Affleck and music star Lopez have reunited this weekend for a West Hollywood event and the two came out in fall outfits. English 02/12/2021 08:00 Lopez wore an all-black dress, combining a sweater dress with knee-high boots and a black handbag. Affleck combined a jacket with a white blouse and dark jeans. The couple spent part of the fall apart, but the Hollywood event reunited them. Artikuj të ngjashëm October 27, 2022 The dark side of economy in Kosovo that PM Kurti never talked about it October 27, 2022 Mustafa: The Constitution should not be violated by invoking crises, many... Lajme të fundit Hapet ekspozita “Persekutimi komunist i hartuesve të alfabetit... Presidenti Trump ndalon operacionet sulmuese kibernetike ndaj Rusisë Osmani uron Bullgarinë për ditën e çlirimit: Lidhjet... Ministrit Vitia i kërkohet të pezullojë vendimin për çmimin e barnave