Vdes ‘njeriu dru’ pa e përmbushur ëndrrën e tij (Foto)

Dede Koswara e kishte pasur nofkën ‘njeriu dru’, kjo për shkak të sëmundjes së tij të çuditshme.


03/02/2016 15:38


Ai kishte vuajtur nga një sëmundje e rrallë dhe e pa shërueshme, raporton lajmi.net.

Kjo sëmundje i kishte shkaktuar atij gruan dhe familjen, punën e pavarësinë.

Ai gjithmonë kishte shpresuar dhe ëndërruar që të jetonte derisa të gjendej shërimi për të, dhe shpresonte se do t’i kthehej punës së tij si karpentier, por kah fundi i jetës vështirë se lëvizte.

Ai ishte shtetas i Indonezisë dhe ka vdekur në mëngjesin e 30 janarit në spitalin Badung, pa e përmbushur ëndrrën e tij për ta gjetur shërimin për sëmundjen e tij, transmeton lajmi.net.

Sëmundja e tij njihet si Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia dhe është plotësisht e pakontrolluar. /lajmi.net

The debilitating illness, named Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia, results in uncontrolled infections and warts. Here he is pictured in hospital on December 10, just weeks prior to his deathThe disease was so severe his hands and feet (pictured) were covered in more than 13lbs of warts. Here he is pictured prior to surgery in February, 2009Despite multiple treatments to remove the growths, they continued regrowing and eventually cost Mr Koswara his family, job and independenceNurses said that in the weeks leading up to his death, Mr Koswara had resigned himself to the illness and smoked heavily to help pass the timeBy the time he died, Mr Koswara was estranged from his wife and children, and the disease has also cost him his job as a carpenter. Here he is pictured in 2009 with his young cousin AndraThe 42-year-old died at Hasan Sadkin General Hospital in west Java, Indonesia, following a three-day coma (pictured)Mr Koswara's life was thrown upside down by the incurable disease - his wife of ten years left him after he could not support them and their two children, he was unable to work and lost his independence