Ilustrimet që tregojnë kuptimin për shoqërinë moderne (Foto)

Arti është i sinqertë.


03/06/2017 17:27

Artistët mund të tregojnë shumë për botën në të cilën jetojmë, pavarësisht formës që zgjedhin ata,  transmeton

Kreativiteti është një nga mënyrat më të mirë që të komunikohet dhe të shprehet ajo që nganjëherë mbetet e pacaktuar.

Këtu janë 35 ilustrime që përçojnë mesazh të fuqishëm në shoqërinë moderne. /

35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
Iluzioni i zgjedhjes…

35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
“Më ushqe!”

35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be

35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
Shko në shkollë, studio fort, merr një….
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
“It’s all about business”

35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
Skllavëria vjen në shumë forma…
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be
35 Artistic Illustrations Prove How Meaningless Modern Society Can Be